#2 React Native Navigation 번역 정보
#2 React Native Navigation 번역본문
Screen API
이 API는 화면 구성 요소 컨텍스트에서 관련이 있습니다. 다른 화면을 푸시하고 팝업 화면을 표시하고 탐색기 스타일을 변경하는 등의 작업을 수행 할 수 있습니다.이 API에 대한 액세스는 prop을 통해 구성 요소로 전달되는 navigator 개체를 통해 사용할 수 있습니다.
이 화면의 탐색 스택에 새 화면을 푸시합니다.
screen: 'example.ScreenThree', // unique ID registered with Navigation.registerScreen
title: undefined, // navigation bar title of the pushed screen (optional)
titleImage: require('../../img/my_image.png'), //navigation bar title image instead of the title text of the pushed screen (optional)
passProps: {}, // simple serializable object that will pass as props to the pushed screen (optional)
animated: true, // does the push have transition animation or does it happen immediately (optional)
backButtonTitle: undefined, // override the back button title (optional)
backButtonHidden: false, // hide the back button altogether (optional)
navigatorStyle: {}, // override the navigator style for the pushed screen (optional)
navigatorButtons: {} // override the nav buttons for the pushed screen (optional)
pop(params = {})
이 화면의 탐색 스택에서 최상위 화면을 팝합니다.
animated: true // does the pop have transition animation or does it happen immediately (optional)
popToRoot(params = {})
이 화면의 탐색 스택에서 루트까지 모든 화면을 팝합니다.
animated: true // does the pop have transition animation or does it happen immediately (optional)
화면의 탐색 스택을 새 화면으로 재설정합니다 (스택 루트가 변경됨).
screen: 'example.ScreenThree', // unique ID registered with Navigation.registerScreen
title: undefined, // navigation bar title of the pushed screen (optional)
passProps: {}, // simple serializable object that will pass as props to the pushed screen (optional)
animated: true, // does the push have transition animation or does it happen immediately (optional)
navigatorStyle: {}, // override the navigator style for the pushed screen (optional)
navigatorButtons: {} // override the nav buttons for the pushed screen (optional)
showModal(params = {})
화면을 모달로 표시합니다.
screen: "example.ModalScreen", // unique ID registered with Navigation.registerScreen
title: "Modal", // title of the screen as appears in the nav bar (optional)
passProps: {}, // simple serializable object that will pass as props to the modal (optional)
navigatorStyle: {}, // override the navigator style for the screen, see "Styling the navigator" below (optional)
animationType: 'slide-up' // 'none' / 'slide-up' , appear animation for the modal (optional, default 'slide-up')
dismissModal(params = {})
현재 모달을 닫습니다.
animationType: 'slide-down' // 'none' / 'slide-down' , dismiss animation for the modal (optional, default 'slide-down')
dismissAllModals(params = {})
animationType: 'slide-down' // 'none' / 'slide-down' , dismiss animation for the modal (optional, default 'slide-down')
showLightBox(params = {})
screen: "example.LightBoxScreen", // unique ID registered with Navigation.registerScreen
passProps: {}, // simple serializable object that will pass as props to the lightbox (optional)
style: {
backgroundBlur: "dark", // 'dark' / 'light' / 'xlight' / 'none' - the type of blur on the background
backgroundColor: "#ff000080" // tint color for the background, you can specify alpha here (optional)
dismissLightBox(params = {})
현재 라이트 박스를 닫습니다.
handleDeepLink(params = {})
link: "chats/2349823023" // the link string (required)
탐색 버튼 이벤트와 같은 탐색기 이벤트 처리기를 설정합니다. 이것은 일반적으로 컴포넌트 생성자에 들어갑니다.
// this.onNavigatorEvent will be our handler
setButtons(params = {})
네비게이터에서 동적으로 버튼을 설정합니다. 런타임 중에 버튼이 변경되지 않으면 아래의 "네비게이터에 버튼 추가"를 참조하여 정적 navigatorButtons = {...};을 사용하여 버튼을 추가하십시오.
leftButtons: [], // see "Adding buttons to the navigator" below for format (optional)
rightButtons: [], // see "Adding buttons to the navigator" below for format (optional)
animated: true // does the change have transition animation or does it happen immediately (optional)
setTitle(params = {})
탐색 표시 줄 제목을 동적으로 설정하십시오. 런타임 중에 제목이 변경되지 않으면 화면이 정의/푸시 될 때 설정하십시오.
title: "Dynamic Title" // the new title of the screen as appears in the nav bar
toggleDrawer(params = {})
side: 'left', // the side of the drawer since you can have two, 'left' / 'right'
animated: true, // does the toggle have transition animation or does it happen immediately (optional)
to: 'open' // optional, 'open' = open the drawer, 'closed' = close it, missing = the opposite of current state
toggleTabs(params = {})
to: 'hidden', // required, 'hidden' = hide tab bar, 'shown' = show tab bar
animated: true // does the toggle have transition animation or does it happen immediately (optional)
setTabBadge(params = {})
tabIndex: 0, // (optional) if missing, the badge will be added to this screen's tab
badge: 17 // badge value, null to remove badge
switchToTab(params = {})
tabIndex: 0 // (optional) if missing, this screen's tab will become selected
toggleNavBar(params = {})
to: 'hidden', // required, 'hidden' = hide navigation bar, 'shown' = show navigation bar
animated: true // does the toggle have transition animation or does it happen immediately (optional). By default animated: true
Styling the navigator
export default class StyledScreen extends Component {
static navigatorStyle = {
drawUnderNavBar: true,
navBarTranslucent: true
constructor(props) {
render() {
return (
<View style={{flex: 1}}>...</View>
Style object format
navBarTextColor: '#000000', // change the text color of the title (remembered across pushes)
navBarBackgroundColor: '#f7f7f7', // change the background color of the nav bar (remembered across pushes)
navBarButtonColor: '#007aff', // change the button colors of the nav bar (eg. the back button) (remembered across pushes)
navBarHidden: false, // make the nav bar hidden
navBarHideOnScroll: false, // make the nav bar hidden only after the user starts to scroll
navBarTranslucent: false, // make the nav bar semi-translucent, works best with drawUnderNavBar:true
navBarTransparent: false, // make the nav bar transparent, works best with drawUnderNavBar:true
navBarNoBorder: false, // hide the navigation bar bottom border (hair line). Default false
drawUnderNavBar: false, // draw the screen content under the nav bar, works best with navBarTranslucent:true
drawUnderTabBar: false, // draw the screen content under the tab bar (the tab bar is always translucent)
statusBarBlur: false, // blur the area under the status bar, works best with navBarHidden:true
navBarBlur: false, // blur the entire nav bar, works best with drawUnderNavBar:true
tabBarHidden: false, // make the screen content hide the tab bar (remembered across pushes)
statusBarHideWithNavBar: false // hide the status bar if the nav bar is also hidden, useful for navBarHidden:true
statusBarHidden: false, // make the status bar hidden regardless of nav bar state
statusBarTextColorScheme: 'dark', // text color of status bar, 'dark' / 'light' (remembered across pushes)
collapsingToolBarImage: "http://lorempixel.com/400/200/", // Collapsing Toolbar image. Android only
collapsingToolBarImage: require('../../img/topbar.jpg'), // Collapsing Toolbar image. Either use a url or require a local image. Android only
collapsingToolBarCollapsedColor: '#0f2362' // Collapsing Toolbar scrim color. Android only
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