포인트 다드리고 싶어도 포인트가 ㅠㅠ 체크박스 질문입니다. 정보
포인트 다드리고 싶어도 포인트가 ㅠㅠ 체크박스 질문입니다.본문
체크박스에 체크를 하고 수정시 유지가 안되고 다 풀립니다..
지하철 선택하는 부분체크박스를 수정시에도 처음 체크한 값이 유지 되도록 하고 싶어요,,,, 포인트 있으면 다 드리고 싶은마음이나..
현실은 포인트가 없다는..
소스 는
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$six25 = $p_six[24];
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$nine06 = $p_nine[5];
$nine07 = $p_nine[6];
$nine08 = $p_nine[7];
$nine09 = $p_nine[8];
$nine10 = $p_nine[9];
$nine11 = $p_nine[10];
$nine12 = $p_nine[11];
$nine13 = $p_nine[12];
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<td align="center" bgcolor="eff8fd" class="blue">전화번호</td>
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<td align="center" bgcolor="eff8fd" class="blue">옵션</td>
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답변메일받기 </td>
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<td align="center" bgcolor="eff8fd" class="blue">이메일</td>
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<td align="center" bgcolor="eff8fd" class="blue">물건 정보</td>
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<td align="center" bgcolor="eff8fd" class="blue">소재지</td>
<td bgcolor="ffffff">
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<td><table width="100%">
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<td width="80" height="25" align="center" bgcolor="#EFF8FD">날짜변경</td>
<td height="51" colspan="3" bgcolor="white"><?
function dujari($num) {
if ($num < 10) {
$num = "0".$num;
else {
$num = $num;
return $num;
if ($w != "u") {
$d_year = date(Y,time());
$d_month = date(m,time());
$d_day = date(d,time());
$d_hour = date(H,time());
$d_min = date(i,time());
} else {
$d_year = substr($write['wr_datetime'],0,4);
$d_month = substr($write['wr_datetime'],5,2);
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$d_min = substr($write['wr_datetime'],14,2);
<input name="dateFake" type="hidden" value="y">
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<? }?>
<select name="d_month">
<? for ($i=1;$i<13;$i++) {?>
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<? }?>
<select name="d_day">
<? for ($i=1;$i<32;$i++) {?>
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<? }?>
<select name="d_hour">
<? for ($i=0;$i<24;$i++) {?>
<option value="<?=dujari($i)?>" <? if($d_hour == $i) {?> selected="selected" <? }?>><?=$i?></option>
<? }?>
<select name="d_min">
<? for ($i=0;$i<60;$i++) {?>
<option value="<?=dujari($i)?>" <? if($d_min == $i) {?> selected="selected" <? }?>><?=$i?></option>
<? }?>
<td width="80" height="25" align="center" bgcolor="#EFF8FD">지하철</td>
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<td align="center" bgcolor="eff8fd" class="blue">매물종류</td>
<td bgcolor="ffffff"><select name=ca_name itemname="매물종류" class="input">
<option value="">선택하세요
<td width="80" align="center" bgcolor="eff8fd" class="blue">총면적</td>
<td bgcolor="ffffff"><input name=nine03 value="<?=$nine03?>" itemname="총면적" class="input">
평형 </td>
<td align="center" bgcolor="eff8fd" class="blue">판매구분</td>
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부동산 </td>
<td width="80" align="center" bgcolor="eff8fd" class="blue">건물방향</td>
<td bgcolor="ffffff"><input name=nine05 value="<?=$nine05?>" itemname="건물방향" class="input"></td>
<td align="center" bgcolor="eff8fd" class="blue">난방방식</td>
<td bgcolor="ffffff"><input name=nine06 value="<?=$nine06?>" itemname="난방방식" class="input"></td>
<td width="80" align="center" bgcolor="eff8fd" class="blue">주차시설</td>
<td bgcolor="ffffff"><input name=nine07 value="<?=$nine07?>" itemname="주차시설" class="input">
<td align="center" bgcolor="eff8fd" class="blue">방수/욕실수</td>
<td bgcolor="ffffff"><input name=nine08 value="<?=$nine08?>" itemname="방수/욕실수" class="input"></td>
<td width="80" align="center" bgcolor="eff8fd" class="blue">융자금</td>
<td bgcolor="ffffff"><input name=nine09 value="<?=$nine09?>" itemname="융자금" class="input">
<td align="center" bgcolor="eff8fd" class="blue">실입주금</td>
<td bgcolor="ffffff"><input name=nine10 value="<?=$nine10?>" itemname="실입주금" type="hidden" class="input">실입주금은 <br />매매가-융자금액으로 자동 계산됩니다.</td>
<td width="80" align="center" bgcolor="eff8fd" class="blue">매매가</td>
<td bgcolor="ffffff"><input name=nine12 value="<?=$nine12?>" itemname="매매가" required class="input">
만원 </td>
<!-- <tr>
<td align="center" bgcolor="F7F3F7" class="blue">매물정보</td>
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<td width="12%" bgcolor="F7F3F7" align="center">평형</td>
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<td width="16%" bgcolor="F7F3F7" align="center">총매매가</td>
<td width="16%" bgcolor="F7F3F7" align="center">융자금</td>
<td width="16%" bgcolor="F7F3F7" align="center">실입주금</td>
<td width="30%" bgcolor="F7F3F7" align="center">비고</td>
<tr bgcolor="ffffff">
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<tr bgcolor="ffffff">
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<td width="16%" bgcolor="ffffff"><input maxLength=20 size=8 name=six010 value="<?=$six10?>" itemname="총매매가2" class="input">원</td>
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<tr bgcolor="ffffff">
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<tr bgcolor="ffffff">
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지하철 선택하는 부분체크박스를 수정시에도 처음 체크한 값이 유지 되도록 하고 싶어요,,,, 포인트 있으면 다 드리고 싶은마음이나..
현실은 포인트가 없다는..
소스 는
if (!defined("_GNUBOARD_")) exit; // 개별 페이지 접근 불가
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<td><table width="100%">
<td class="blue"><img src="<?=$board_skin_path?>/img/icon_7.gif" align="absmiddle"> <b>담당자 정보</b> </td>
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<td width="100" align="center" bgcolor="eff8fd" class="blue">담당자</td>
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<? } ?></td>
<td align="center" bgcolor="eff8fd" class="blue">휴대폰</td>
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<td align="center" bgcolor="eff8fd" class="blue">전화번호</td>
<td bgcolor="ffffff"><input maxLength=30 size=30 name=nine02 itemname="전화번호" value="<?=$member[mb_tel]?>" class="input"></td>
<? if ($is_admin) { ?><tr>
<td align="center" bgcolor="eff8fd" class="blue">옵션</td>
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<input type=checkbox value="secret" name="secret" <?=$secret_checked?>>
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답변메일받기 </td>
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<td align="center" bgcolor="eff8fd" class="blue">이메일</td>
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<td align="center" bgcolor="eff8fd" class="blue">물건 정보</td>
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<option value='토지' <? if($write[wr_5] == 토지) echo " selected "; ?>>토지
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<option value='기타' <? if($write[wr_5] == 기타) echo " selected "; ?>>기타
<td align="center" bgcolor="eff8fd" class="blue">소재지</td>
<td bgcolor="ffffff">
<select name="wr_1" onChange="selProduct(this.form.wr_1.selectedIndex-1);">
<select name="wr_2">
<td> </td>
<td><table width="100%">
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<td width="80" align="center" bgcolor="eff8fd" class="blue">물건명</td>
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<td width="80" height="25" align="center" bgcolor="#EFF8FD">날짜변경</td>
<td height="51" colspan="3" bgcolor="white"><?
function dujari($num) {
if ($num < 10) {
$num = "0".$num;
else {
$num = $num;
return $num;
if ($w != "u") {
$d_year = date(Y,time());
$d_month = date(m,time());
$d_day = date(d,time());
$d_hour = date(H,time());
$d_min = date(i,time());
} else {
$d_year = substr($write['wr_datetime'],0,4);
$d_month = substr($write['wr_datetime'],5,2);
$d_day = substr($write['wr_datetime'],8,2);
$d_hour = substr($write['wr_datetime'],11,2);
$d_min = substr($write['wr_datetime'],14,2);
<input name="dateFake" type="hidden" value="y">
<select name="d_year">
<? for ($i=2008;$i<2021;$i++) {?>
<option value="<?=$i?>" <? if($d_year == $i) {?> selected="selected" <? }?>><?=$i?></option>
<? }?>
<select name="d_month">
<? for ($i=1;$i<13;$i++) {?>
<option value="<?=dujari($i)?>" <? if($d_month == $i) {?> selected="selected" <? }?>><?=$i?></option>
<? }?>
<select name="d_day">
<? for ($i=1;$i<32;$i++) {?>
<option value="<?=dujari($i)?>" <? if($d_day == $i) {?> selected="selected" <? }?>><?=$i?></option>
<? }?>
<select name="d_hour">
<? for ($i=0;$i<24;$i++) {?>
<option value="<?=dujari($i)?>" <? if($d_hour == $i) {?> selected="selected" <? }?>><?=$i?></option>
<? }?>
<select name="d_min">
<? for ($i=0;$i<60;$i++) {?>
<option value="<?=dujari($i)?>" <? if($d_min == $i) {?> selected="selected" <? }?>><?=$i?></option>
<? }?>
<td width="80" height="25" align="center" bgcolor="#EFF8FD">지하철</td>
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<td align="center" bgcolor="eff8fd" class="blue">매물종류</td>
<td bgcolor="ffffff"><select name=ca_name itemname="매물종류" class="input">
<option value="">선택하세요
<td width="80" align="center" bgcolor="eff8fd" class="blue">총면적</td>
<td bgcolor="ffffff"><input name=nine03 value="<?=$nine03?>" itemname="총면적" class="input">
평형 </td>
<td align="center" bgcolor="eff8fd" class="blue">판매구분</td>
<td bgcolor="ffffff"><input name=nine04 type="radio" value="개인" <? if ($nine04 == '개인') echo'checked';?> checked>
<input name=nine04 type="radio" value="부동산" <? if ($nine04 == '부동산') echo'checked';?>>
부동산 </td>
<td width="80" align="center" bgcolor="eff8fd" class="blue">건물방향</td>
<td bgcolor="ffffff"><input name=nine05 value="<?=$nine05?>" itemname="건물방향" class="input"></td>
<td align="center" bgcolor="eff8fd" class="blue">난방방식</td>
<td bgcolor="ffffff"><input name=nine06 value="<?=$nine06?>" itemname="난방방식" class="input"></td>
<td width="80" align="center" bgcolor="eff8fd" class="blue">주차시설</td>
<td bgcolor="ffffff"><input name=nine07 value="<?=$nine07?>" itemname="주차시설" class="input">
<td align="center" bgcolor="eff8fd" class="blue">방수/욕실수</td>
<td bgcolor="ffffff"><input name=nine08 value="<?=$nine08?>" itemname="방수/욕실수" class="input"></td>
<td width="80" align="center" bgcolor="eff8fd" class="blue">융자금</td>
<td bgcolor="ffffff"><input name=nine09 value="<?=$nine09?>" itemname="융자금" class="input">
<td align="center" bgcolor="eff8fd" class="blue">실입주금</td>
<td bgcolor="ffffff"><input name=nine10 value="<?=$nine10?>" itemname="실입주금" type="hidden" class="input">실입주금은 <br />매매가-융자금액으로 자동 계산됩니다.</td>
<td width="80" align="center" bgcolor="eff8fd" class="blue">매매가</td>
<td bgcolor="ffffff"><input name=nine12 value="<?=$nine12?>" itemname="매매가" required class="input">
만원 </td>
<!-- <tr>
<td align="center" bgcolor="F7F3F7" class="blue">매물정보</td>
<td colspan="3" bgcolor="ffffff" align="center"><table width=96% cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="e4e4e4" >
<tr bgcolor="ffffff" align="center">
<td width="12%" bgcolor="F7F3F7" align="center">평형</td>
<td width="10%" bgcolor="F7F3F7" align="center">층수</td>
<td width="16%" bgcolor="F7F3F7" align="center">총매매가</td>
<td width="16%" bgcolor="F7F3F7" align="center">융자금</td>
<td width="16%" bgcolor="F7F3F7" align="center">실입주금</td>
<td width="30%" bgcolor="F7F3F7" align="center">비고</td>
<tr bgcolor="ffffff">
<td width="12%" bgcolor="ffffff"><input maxLength=20 size=4 name=six01 value="<?=$six01?>" itemname="평형1" class="input">평</td>
<td width="10%" bgcolor="ffffff"><input maxLength=20 size=2 name=six05 value="<?=$six05?>" itemname="층수1" class="input">층</td>
<td width="16%" bgcolor="ffffff"><input maxLength=20 size=8 name=six09 value="<?=$six09?>" itemname="총매매가1" class="input">원</td>
<td width="16%" bgcolor="ffffff"><input maxLength=20 size=8 name=six13 value="<?=$six13?>" itemname="융자금1" class="input">원</td>
<td width="16%" bgcolor="ffffff"><input maxLength=20 size=8 name=six17 value="<?=$six17?>" itemname="실입주금1" class="input">원</td>
<td width="30%" bgcolor="ffffff"><input maxLength=30 size=15 name=six21 value="<?=$six21?>" itemname="비고1" class="input"></td>
<tr bgcolor="ffffff">
<td width="12%" bgcolor="ffffff"><input maxLength=20 size=4 name=six02 value="<?=$six02?>" itemname="평형2" class="input">평</td>
<td width="10%" bgcolor="ffffff"><input maxLength=20 size=2 name=six06 value="<?=$six06?>" itemname="층수2" class="input">층</td>
<td width="16%" bgcolor="ffffff"><input maxLength=20 size=8 name=six010 value="<?=$six10?>" itemname="총매매가2" class="input">원</td>
<td width="16%" bgcolor="ffffff"><input maxLength=20 size=8 name=six14 value="<?=$six14?>" itemname="융자금2" class="input">원</td>
<td width="16%" bgcolor="ffffff"><input maxLength=20 size=8 name=six18 value="<?=$six18?>" itemname="실입주금2" class="input">원</td>
<td width="30%" bgcolor="ffffff"><input maxLength=30 size=15 name=six22 value="<?=$six22?>" itemname="비고2" class="input"></td>
<tr bgcolor="ffffff">
<td width="12%" bgcolor="ffffff"><input maxLength=20 size=4 name=six03 value="<?=$six03?>" itemname="평형3" class="input">평</td>
<td width="10%" bgcolor="ffffff"><input maxLength=20 size=2 name=six07 value="<?=$six07?>" itemname="층수3" class="input">층</td>
<td width="16%" bgcolor="ffffff"><input maxLength=20 size=8 name=six11 value="<?=$six11?>" itemname="총매매가3" class="input">원</td>
<td width="16%" bgcolor="ffffff"><input maxLength=20 size=8 name=six15 value="<?=$six15?>" itemname="융자금3" class="input">원</td>
<td width="16%" bgcolor="ffffff"><input maxLength=20 size=8 name=six19 value="<?=$six19?>" itemname="실입주금3" class="input">원</td>
<td width="30%" bgcolor="ffffff"><input maxLength=30 size=15 name=six23 value="<?=$six23?>" itemname="비고3" class="input"></td>
<tr bgcolor="ffffff">
<td width="12%" bgcolor="ffffff"><input maxLength=20 size=4 name=six04 value="<?=$six04?>" itemname="평형4" class="input">평</td>
<td width="10%" bgcolor="ffffff"><input maxLength=20 size=2 name=six08 value="<?=$six08?>" itemname="층수4" class="input">층</td>
<td width="16%" bgcolor="ffffff"><input maxLength=20 size=8 name=six12 value="<?=$six12?>" itemname="총매매가4" class="input">원</td>
<td width="16%" bgcolor="ffffff"><input maxLength=20 size=8 name=six16 value="<?=$six16?>" itemname="융자금4" class="input">원</td>
<td width="16%" bgcolor="ffffff"><input maxLength=20 size=8 name=six20 value="<?=$six20?>" itemname="실입주금4" class="input">원</td>
<td width="30%" bgcolor="ffffff"><input maxLength=30 size=15 name=six24 value="<?=$six24?>" itemname="비고4" class="input"></td>
</tr> -->
<td align="center" bgcolor="eff8fd" class="blue">매물정보</td>
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<td align="right"><span id=char_count></span>글자</td>
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<td align="center" bgcolor="eff8fd" class="blue">사진정보<br>
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if (obj.checked) {
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alert("내용에 금지단어('"+s+"')가 포함되어있습니다");
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alert("내용은 "+char_max+"글자 이하로 쓰셔야 합니다.");
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if (hex_md5(f.wr_key.value) != md5_norobot_key) {
alert("자동등록방지용 빨간글자가 순서대로 입력되지 않았습니다.");
f.wr_10.value = getSubway();
f.nine10.value = f.nine12.value-f.nine09.value;
f.action = "./write_update.php";
댓글 전체
추가적인 값들이 배열로 들어가는데
<input type="checkbox" name="subway" id="subway_01" value='1호선' />1호선 에서
subway 는 DB에 어디에 들어갈까요???
$nine11 = $p_nine[10]; 번하고 13,14,15 번이 비어 있는데 이곳중에 한곳으로 넣으면 될것 같습니다.
그리고 지하철 선택 같은데 왜 체크박스죠??
라디오 버튼이 맞지 않을까요?? 근처 지하철이 뭔지 체크하는 라디오 버튼이 맞지 않을까요?
<input name='subway' type="radio" value="1호선" <? if ($nine11 == '1호선') echo'checked';?>>1호선
<input name='subway' type="radio" value="2호선" <? if ($nine11 == '2호선') echo'checked';?>>2호선
다시한번 체크해보세요 ^^;
<input type="checkbox" name="subway" id="subway_01" value='1호선' />1호선 에서
subway 는 DB에 어디에 들어갈까요???
$nine11 = $p_nine[10]; 번하고 13,14,15 번이 비어 있는데 이곳중에 한곳으로 넣으면 될것 같습니다.
그리고 지하철 선택 같은데 왜 체크박스죠??
라디오 버튼이 맞지 않을까요?? 근처 지하철이 뭔지 체크하는 라디오 버튼이 맞지 않을까요?
<input name='subway' type="radio" value="1호선" <? if ($nine11 == '1호선') echo'checked';?>>1호선
<input name='subway' type="radio" value="2호선" <? if ($nine11 == '2호선') echo'checked';?>>2호선
다시한번 체크해보세요 ^^;