사이트에서 보안 취약점 통지 정보 사이트에서 보안 취약점 통지본문 사이트에서 보안 취약점 통지 메일이 왔는데 혹시 이런류에 메일을 받아보신 분 계신가요?
어떻게 취해야할지 잘모르겠네요.
Dear IT Security Team,
This is a notification about a security vulnerability on your website -
A security researcher has reported it via coordinated disclosure Open Bug Bounty program:
Following ISO/IEC 29147 standard guidelines, we verified and confirmed that the vulnerability prior to contacting you. To keep your website safe and prevent malicious exploitation of the vulnerability while it is unpatched, technical details are not publicly disclosed during at least 30 days. Please contact the security researcher directly for further details and assistance to remediate the vulnerability.
If you received this notification by error, please accept our apologizes and forward it to your IT security team, or a person in charge of your website security.
Stay secure,
Open Bug Bounty Team
Making Web Safer
댓글 4개
영업용 메일로 보이네요.
@평정심 답변감사드립니다.
제가 보기에 꼬심이 같은 느낌이 드네요. ㅎ
@컴대장 답변감사드립니다.