갤러리 최신글 썸네일 잘림 현상
겔러리 최신글 썸네일 이미지가 잘려 나오는데 소스를 봐도 원인을 못찾겠어서 질문 드립니다.
ori 로 출력하는 방법을 이용했더니 이미지가 너무 커 로딩 속도가 늦어지는데
안찰리게 추출하려면 어디를 손봐야할까요?
function latest($skin_dir='', $bo_table, $rows=10, $subject_len=40, $cache_time=1, $options='')
global $g5;
list($bo_table, $category) = explode("|", $bo_table);
if($category) $where = " AND ca_name = '".$category."' ";
if (!$skin_dir) $skin_dir = 'basic';
$time_unit = 3600; // 1시간으로 고정
if(preg_match('#^theme/(.+)$#', $skin_dir, $match)) {
if (G5_IS_MOBILE) {
$latest_skin_path = G5_THEME_MOBILE_PATH.'/'.G5_SKIN_DIR.'/latest/'.$match[1];
$latest_skin_path = G5_THEME_PATH.'/'.G5_SKIN_DIR.'/latest/'.$match[1];
$latest_skin_url = str_replace(G5_PATH, G5_URL, $latest_skin_path);
} else {
$latest_skin_path = G5_THEME_PATH.'/'.G5_SKIN_DIR.'/latest/'.$match[1];
$latest_skin_url = str_replace(G5_PATH, G5_URL, $latest_skin_path);
$skin_dir = $match[1];
} else {
if(G5_IS_MOBILE) {
$latest_skin_path = G5_MOBILE_PATH.'/'.G5_SKIN_DIR.'/latest/'.$skin_dir;
$latest_skin_url = G5_MOBILE_URL.'/'.G5_SKIN_DIR.'/latest/'.$skin_dir;
} else {
$latest_skin_path = G5_SKIN_PATH.'/latest/'.$skin_dir;
$latest_skin_url = G5_SKIN_URL.'/latest/'.$skin_dir;
$caches = false;
if(G5_USE_CACHE) {
$cache_file_name = "latest-{$bo_table}-{$skin_dir}-{$rows}-{$subject_len}-".g5_cache_secret_key();
$caches = g5_get_cache($cache_file_name, (int) $time_unit * (int) $cache_time);
$cache_list = isset($caches['list']) ? $caches['list'] : array();
g5_latest_cache_data($bo_table, $cache_list);
if( $caches === false ){
$list = array();
$board = get_board_db($bo_table, true);
if( ! $board ){
return '';
$bo_subject = get_text($board['bo_subject']);
$tmp_write_table = $g5['write_prefix'] . $bo_table; // 게시판 테이블 전체이름
$sql = " select * from {$tmp_write_table} where wr_is_comment = 0".$where." order by wr_num limit 0, {$rows} ";
$result = sql_query($sql);
for ($i=0; $row = sql_fetch_array($result); $i++) {
try {
unset($row['wr_password']); //패스워드 저장 안함( 아예 삭제 )
} catch (Exception $e) {
$row['wr_email'] = ''; //이메일 저장 안함
if (strstr($row['wr_option'], 'secret')){ // 비밀글일 경우 내용, 링크, 파일 저장 안함
$row['wr_content'] = $row['wr_link1'] = $row['wr_link2'] = '';
$row['file'] = array('count'=>0);
$list[$i] = get_list($row, $board, $latest_skin_url, $subject_len);
$list[$i]['first_file_thumb'] = (isset($row['wr_file']) && $row['wr_file']) ? get_board_file_db($bo_table, $row['wr_id'], 'bf_file, bf_content', "and bf_type in (1, 2, 3, 18) ", true) : array('bf_file'=>'', 'bf_content'=>'');
$list[$i]['bo_table'] = $bo_table;
// 썸네일 추가
if($options && is_string($options)) {
$options_arr = explode(',', $options);
$thumb_width = $options_arr[0];
$thumb_height = $options_arr[1];
$thumb = get_list_thumbnail($bo_table, $row['wr_id'], $thumb_width, $thumb_height, false, true);
// 이미지 썸네일
if($thumb['src']) {
$img_content = '<img src="'.$thumb['src'].'" alt="'.$thumb['alt'].'" width="'.$thumb_width.'" height="'.$thumb_height.'">';
$list[$i]['img_thumbnail'] = '<a href="'.$list[$i]['href'].'" class="lt_img">'.$img_content.'</a>';
// } else {
// $img_content = '<img src="'. G5_IMG_URL.'/no_img.png'.'" alt="'.$thumb['alt'].'" width="'.$thumb_width.'" height="'.$thumb_height.'" class="no_img">';
if(! isset($list[$i]['icon_file'])) $list[$i]['icon_file'] = '';
g5_latest_cache_data($bo_table, $list);
if(G5_USE_CACHE) {
$caches = array(
'list' => $list,
'bo_subject' => sql_escape_string($bo_subject),
g5_set_cache($cache_file_name, $caches, (int) $time_unit * (int) $cache_time);
} else {
$list = $cache_list;
$bo_subject = (is_array($caches) && isset($caches['bo_subject'])) ? $caches['bo_subject'] : '';
include $latest_skin_path.'/latest.skin.php';
$content = ob_get_contents();
return $content;
// thumbnail.lib.php
if (!defined('_GNUBOARD_')) exit;
@ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
// 게시글리스트 썸네일 생성
function get_list_thumbnail($bo_table, $wr_id, $thumb_width, $thumb_height, $is_create=false, $is_crop=false, $crop_mode='center', $is_sharpen=false, $um_value='80/0.5/3')
global $g5, $config;
$filename = $alt = $data_path = '';
$edt = false;
$empty_array = array('src'=>'', 'ori'=>'', 'alt'=>'');
$write = get_thumbnail_find_cache($bo_table, $wr_id, 'content');
// 비밀글이면 썸네일을 노출하지 않습니다.
if (isset($write['wr_option']) && strstr($write['wr_option'], "secret")) {
return run_replace('is_secret_list_thumbnail', $empty_array, $bo_table, $write);
$row = get_thumbnail_find_cache($bo_table, $wr_id, 'file');
if (isset($row['bf_file']) && $row['bf_file']) {
$filename = $row['bf_file'];
$filepath = G5_DATA_PATH.'/file/'.$bo_table;
$alt = get_text($row['bf_content']);
} else {
$edt = true;
if( $matches = get_editor_image($write['wr_content'], false) ){
for($i=0; $i<count($matches[1]); $i++)
// 이미지 path 구함
$p = parse_url($matches[1][$i]);
if(strpos($p['path'], '/'.G5_DATA_DIR.'/') != 0)
$data_path = preg_replace('/^\/.*\/'.G5_DATA_DIR.'/', '/'.G5_DATA_DIR, $p['path']);
$data_path = $p['path'];
$srcfile = G5_PATH.$data_path;
if(preg_match("/\.({$config['cf_image_extension']})$/i", $srcfile) && is_file($srcfile)) {
$size = @getimagesize($srcfile);
$filename = basename($srcfile);
$filepath = dirname($srcfile);
preg_match("/alt=[\"\']?([^\"\']*)[\"\']?/", $matches[0][$i], $malt);
$alt = isset($malt[1]) ? get_text($malt[1]) : '';
$filename = run_replace('get_editor_filename', $filename, $p);
} //end for
} //end if
return $empty_array;
if( $thumbnail_info = run_replace('get_list_thumbnail_info', array(), array('bo_table'=>$bo_table, 'wr_id'=>$wr_id, 'data_path'=>$data_path, 'edt'=>$edt, 'filename'=>$filename, 'filepath'=>$filepath, 'thumb_width'=>$thumb_width, 'thumb_height'=>$thumb_height, 'is_create'=>$is_create, 'is_crop'=>$is_crop, 'crop_mode'=>$crop_mode, 'is_sharpen'=>$is_sharpen, 'um_value'=>$um_value)) ){
return $thumbnail_info;
$tname = thumbnail($filename, $filepath, $filepath, $thumb_width, $thumb_height, $is_create, $is_crop, $crop_mode, $is_sharpen, $um_value);
if($tname) {
if($edt) {
// 오리지날 이미지
$ori = G5_URL.$data_path;
// 썸네일 이미지
$src = G5_URL.str_replace($filename, $tname, $data_path);
} else {
$ori = G5_DATA_URL.'/file/'.$bo_table.'/'.$filename;
$src = G5_DATA_URL.'/file/'.$bo_table.'/'.$tname;
} else {
return $empty_array;
$thumb = array("src"=>$src, "ori"=>$ori, "alt"=>$alt);
return $thumb;
// 게시글보기 파일 썸네일 리턴
function get_file_thumbnail($file){
if( ! is_array($file) ) return '';
if( preg_match('/(\.jpg|\.jpeg|\.gif|\.png|\.bmp|\.webp)$/i', $file['file']) && $contents = run_replace('get_file_thumbnail_tags', '', $file) ){
return $contents;
} else if ($file['view']) {
return get_view_thumbnail($file['view']);
return $file['view'];
// 게시글보기 썸네일 생성
function get_view_thumbnail($contents, $thumb_width=0)
global $board, $config;
if (!$thumb_width)
$thumb_width = $board['bo_image_width'];
// $contents 중 img 태그 추출
$matches = get_editor_image($contents, true);
return $contents;
$extensions = array(1=>'gif', 2=>'jpg', 3=>'png', 18=>'webp');
for($i=0; $i<count($matches[1]); $i++) {
$img = $matches[1][$i];
$img_tag = isset($matches[0][$i]) ? $matches[0][$i] : '';
preg_match("/src=[\'\"]?([^>\'\"]+[^>\'\"]+)/i", $img, $m);
$src = isset($m[1]) ? $m[1] : '';
preg_match("/style=[\"\']?([^\"\'>]+)/i", $img, $m);
$style = isset($m[1]) ? $m[1] : '';
preg_match("/width:\s*(\d+)px/", $style, $m);
$width = isset($m[1]) ? $m[1] : '';
preg_match("/height:\s*(\d+)px/", $style, $m);
$height = isset($m[1]) ? $m[1] : '';
preg_match("/alt=[\"\']?([^\"\']*)[\"\']?/", $img, $m);
$alt = isset($m[1]) ? get_text($m[1]) : '';
// 이미지 path 구함
$p = parse_url($src);
if(strpos($p['path'], '/'.G5_DATA_DIR.'/') != 0)
$data_path = preg_replace('/^\/.*\/'.G5_DATA_DIR.'/', '/'.G5_DATA_DIR, $p['path']);
$data_path = $p['path'];
$srcfile = G5_PATH.$data_path;
if(is_file($srcfile)) {
$size = @getimagesize($srcfile);
$file_ext = $extensions[$size[2]];
if (!$file_ext) continue;
// jpg 이면 exif 체크
if( $file_ext === 'jpg' && function_exists('exif_read_data')) {
$degree = 0;
$exif = @exif_read_data($srcfile);
if(!empty($exif['Orientation'])) {
switch($exif['Orientation']) {
case 8:
$degree = 90;
case 3:
$degree = 180;
case 6:
$degree = -90;
// 세로사진의 경우 가로, 세로 값 바꿈
if($degree == 90 || $degree == -90) {
$tmp = $size;
$size[0] = $tmp[1];
$size[1] = $tmp[0];
// Animated GIF 체크
$is_animated = false;
if($file_ext === 'gif') {
$is_animated = is_animated_gif($srcfile);
if($replace_content = run_replace('thumbnail_is_animated_gif_content', '', $contents, $srcfile, $is_animated, $img_tag, $data_path, $size)){
$contents = $replace_content;
// 원본 width가 thumb_width보다 작다면
if($size[0] <= $thumb_width)
// 썸네일 높이
$thumb_height = round(($thumb_width * $size[1]) / $size[0]);
$filename = basename($srcfile);
$filepath = dirname($srcfile);
// 썸네일 생성
$thumb_file = thumbnail($filename, $filepath, $filepath, $thumb_width, $thumb_height, false);
$thumb_file = $filename;
if ($width) {
$thumb_tag = '<img src="'.G5_URL.str_replace($filename, $thumb_file, $data_path).'" alt="'.$alt.'" width="'.$width.'" height="'.$height.'"/>';
} else {
$thumb_tag = '<img src="'.G5_URL.str_replace($filename, $thumb_file, $data_path).'" alt="'.$alt.'"/>';
// $img_tag에 editor 경로가 있으면 원본보기 링크 추가
if(strpos($img_tag, G5_DATA_DIR.'/'.G5_EDITOR_DIR) && preg_match("/\.({$config['cf_image_extension']})$/i", $filename)) {
$imgurl = str_replace(G5_URL, "", $src);
$attr_href = run_replace('thumb_view_image_href', G5_BBS_URL.'/view_image.php?fn='.urlencode($imgurl), $filename, '', $width, $height, $alt);
$thumb_tag = '<a href="'.$attr_href.'" target="_blank" class="view_image">'.$thumb_tag.'</a>';
$contents = str_replace($img_tag, $thumb_tag, $contents);
return run_replace('get_view_thumbnail', $contents);
function thumbnail($filename, $source_path, $target_path, $thumb_width, $thumb_height, $is_create, $is_crop=false, $crop_mode='center', $is_sharpen=false, $um_value='80/0.5/3')
global $g5;
if(!$thumb_width && !$thumb_height)
$source_file = "$source_path/$filename";
if(!is_file($source_file)) // 원본 파일이 없다면
$size = @getimagesize($source_file);
$extensions = array(1 => 'gif', 2 => 'jpg', 3 => 'png', 18 => 'webp');
$file_ext = $extensions[$size[2]]; // 파일 확장자
if (!$file_ext) return;
// gif, jpg, png, webp 에 대해서만 적용
// if ( !(isset($size[2]) && ($size[2] == 1 || $size[2] == 2 || $size[2] == 3 || $size[2] == 18)) )
// return;
// $extensions 배열에 없는 확장자 라면 썸네일 만들지 않음
// if (!in_array($file_ext, $extensions))
// return;
if (!is_dir($target_path)) {
@mkdir($target_path, G5_DIR_PERMISSION);
@chmod($target_path, G5_DIR_PERMISSION);
// 디렉토리가 존재하지 않거나 쓰기 권한이 없으면 썸네일 생성하지 않음
if(!(is_dir($target_path) && is_writable($target_path)))
return '';
// Animated GIF는 썸네일 생성하지 않음
if($file_ext === 'gif') {
return basename($source_file);
} else if ($file_ext === 'webp') {
return basename($source_file);
$thumb_filename = preg_replace("/\.[^\.]+$/i", "", $filename); // 확장자제거
// $thumb_file = "$target_path/thumb-{$thumb_filename}_{$thumb_width}x{$thumb_height}.".$ext[$size[2]];
$thumb_file = "$target_path/thumb-{$thumb_filename}_{$thumb_width}x{$thumb_height}.".$file_ext;
$thumb_time = @filemtime($thumb_file);
$source_time = @filemtime($source_file);
if (file_exists($thumb_file)) {
if ($is_create == false && $source_time < $thumb_time) {
return basename($thumb_file);
// 원본파일의 GD 이미지 생성
$src = null;
$degree = 0;
if ($file_ext === 'gif') {
$src = @imagecreatefromgif($source_file);
$src_transparency = @imagecolortransparent($src);
} else if ($file_ext === 'jpg') {
$src = @imagecreatefromjpeg($source_file);
if(function_exists('exif_read_data')) {
// exif 정보를 기준으로 회전각도 구함
$exif = @exif_read_data($source_file);
if(!empty($exif['Orientation'])) {
switch($exif['Orientation']) {
case 8:
$degree = 90;
case 3:
$degree = 180;
case 6:
$degree = -90;
// 회전각도 있으면 이미지 회전
if($degree) {
$src = imagerotate($src, $degree, 0);
// 세로사진의 경우 가로, 세로 값 바꿈
if($degree == 90 || $degree == -90) {
$tmp = $size;
$size[0] = $tmp[1];
$size[1] = $tmp[0];
} else if ($file_ext === 'png') {
$src = @imagecreatefrompng($source_file);
@imagealphablending($src, true);
} else if ($file_ext === 'webp') {
$src = @imagecreatefromwebp($source_file);
@imagealphablending($src, true);
} else {
$is_large = true;
// width, height 설정
if($thumb_width) {
if(!$thumb_height) {
$thumb_height = round(($thumb_width * $size[1]) / $size[0]);
} else {
if($crop_mode === 'center' && ($size[0] > $thumb_width || $size[1] > $thumb_height)){
$is_large = true;
} else if($size[0] < $thumb_width || $size[1] < $thumb_height) {
$is_large = false;
} else {
if($thumb_height) {
$thumb_width = round(($thumb_height * $size[0]) / $size[1]);
$dst_x = 0;
$dst_y = 0;
$src_x = 0;
$src_y = 0;
$dst_w = $thumb_width;
$dst_h = $thumb_height;
$src_w = $size[0];
$src_h = $size[1];
$ratio = $dst_h / $dst_w;
if($is_large) {
// 크롭처리
if($is_crop) {
case 'center':
if($size[1] / $size[0] >= $ratio) {
$src_h = round($src_w * $ratio);
$src_y = round(($size[1] - $src_h) / 2);
} else {
$src_w = round($size[1] / $ratio);
$src_x = round(($size[0] - $src_w) / 2);
if($size[1] / $size[0] >= $ratio) {
$src_h = round($src_w * $ratio);
} else {
$src_w = round($size[1] / $ratio);
$dst = imagecreatetruecolor($dst_w, $dst_h);
if($file_ext === 'png') {
imagealphablending($dst, false);
imagesavealpha($dst, true);
} else if($file_ext === 'gif') {
$palletsize = imagecolorstotal($src);
if($src_transparency >= 0 && $src_transparency < $palletsize) {
$transparent_color = imagecolorsforindex($src, $src_transparency);
$current_transparent = imagecolorallocate($dst, $transparent_color['red'], $transparent_color['green'], $transparent_color['blue']);
imagefill($dst, 0, 0, $current_transparent);
imagecolortransparent($dst, $current_transparent);
} else { // 비율에 맞게 생성
$dst = imagecreatetruecolor($dst_w, $dst_h);
$bgcolor = imagecolorallocate($dst, 255, 255, 255); // 배경색
if ( !((defined('G5_USE_THUMB_RATIO') && false === G5_USE_THUMB_RATIO) || (defined('G5_THEME_USE_THUMB_RATIO') && false === G5_THEME_USE_THUMB_RATIO)) ){
if($src_w > $src_h) {
$tmp_h = round(($dst_w * $src_h) / $src_w);
$dst_y = round(($dst_h - $tmp_h) / 2);
$dst_h = $tmp_h;
} else {
$tmp_w = round(($dst_h * $src_w) / $src_h);
$dst_x = round(($dst_w - $tmp_w) / 2);
$dst_w = $tmp_w;
if($file_ext === 'png') {
$bgcolor = imagecolorallocatealpha($dst, 0, 0, 0, 127);
imagefill($dst, 0, 0, $bgcolor);
imagealphablending($dst, false);
imagesavealpha($dst, true);
} else if($file_ext === 'gif') {
$palletsize = imagecolorstotal($src);
if($src_transparency >= 0 && $src_transparency < $palletsize) {
$transparent_color = imagecolorsforindex($src, $src_transparency);
$current_transparent = imagecolorallocate($dst, $transparent_color['red'], $transparent_color['green'], $transparent_color['blue']);
imagefill($dst, 0, 0, $current_transparent);
imagecolortransparent($dst, $current_transparent);
} else {
imagefill($dst, 0, 0, $bgcolor);
} else {
imagefill($dst, 0, 0, $bgcolor);
} else {
$dst = imagecreatetruecolor($dst_w, $dst_h);
$bgcolor = imagecolorallocate($dst, 255, 255, 255); // 배경색
if ( ((defined('G5_USE_THUMB_RATIO') && false === G5_USE_THUMB_RATIO) || (defined('G5_THEME_USE_THUMB_RATIO') && false === G5_THEME_USE_THUMB_RATIO)) ){
//이미지 썸네일을 비율 유지하지 않습니다. (5.2.6 버전 이하에서 처리된 부분과 같음)
if($src_w < $dst_w) {
if($src_h >= $dst_h) {
$dst_x = round(($dst_w - $src_w) / 2);
$src_h = $dst_h;
if( $dst_w > $src_w ){
$dst_w = $src_w;
} else {
$dst_x = round(($dst_w - $src_w) / 2);
$dst_y = round(($dst_h - $src_h) / 2);
$dst_w = $src_w;
$dst_h = $src_h;
} else {
if($src_h < $dst_h) {
$dst_y = round(($dst_h - $src_h) / 2);
$dst_h = $src_h;
$src_w = $dst_w;
} else {
//이미지 썸네일을 비율 유지하며 썸네일 생성합니다.
if($src_w < $dst_w) {
if($src_h >= $dst_h) {
if( $src_h > $src_w ){
$tmp_w = round(($dst_h * $src_w) / $src_h);
$dst_x = round(($dst_w - $tmp_w) / 2);
$dst_w = $tmp_w;
} else {
$dst_x = round(($dst_w - $src_w) / 2);
$src_h = $dst_h;
if( $dst_w > $src_w ){
$dst_w = $src_w;
} else {
$dst_x = round(($dst_w - $src_w) / 2);
$dst_y = round(($dst_h - $src_h) / 2);
$dst_w = $src_w;
$dst_h = $src_h;
} else {
if($src_h < $dst_h) {
if( $src_w > $dst_w ){
$tmp_h = round(($dst_w * $src_h) / $src_w);
$dst_y = round(($dst_h - $tmp_h) / 2);
$dst_h = $tmp_h;
} else {
$dst_y = round(($dst_h - $src_h) / 2);
$dst_h = $src_h;
$src_w = $dst_w;
if($file_ext === 'png') {
$bgcolor = imagecolorallocatealpha($dst, 0, 0, 0, 127);
imagefill($dst, 0, 0, $bgcolor);
imagealphablending($dst, false);
imagesavealpha($dst, true);
} else if($file_ext === 'gif') {
$palletsize = imagecolorstotal($src);
if($src_transparency >= 0 && $src_transparency < $palletsize) {
$transparent_color = imagecolorsforindex($src, $src_transparency);
$current_transparent = imagecolorallocate($dst, $transparent_color['red'], $transparent_color['green'], $transparent_color['blue']);
imagefill($dst, 0, 0, $current_transparent);
imagecolortransparent($dst, $current_transparent);
} else {
imagefill($dst, 0, 0, $bgcolor);
} else {
imagefill($dst, 0, 0, $bgcolor);
imagecopyresampled($dst, $src, $dst_x, $dst_y, $src_x, $src_y, $dst_w, $dst_h, $src_w, $src_h);
// sharpen 적용
if($is_sharpen && $is_large) {
$val = explode('/', $um_value);
UnsharpMask($dst, $val[0], $val[1], $val[2]);
if($file_ext === 'gif') {
imagegif($dst, $thumb_file);
} else if($file_ext === 'png') {
$png_compress = 5;
$png_compress = G5_THUMB_PNG_COMPRESS;
imagepng($dst, $thumb_file, $png_compress);
} else if ($file_ext === 'jpg') {
$jpg_quality = 90;
$jpg_quality = G5_THUMB_JPG_QUALITY;
imagejpeg($dst, $thumb_file, $jpg_quality);
} else if ($file_ext === 'webp') {
imagewebp($dst, $thumb_file);
chmod($thumb_file, G5_FILE_PERMISSION); // 추후 삭제를 위하여 파일모드 변경
return basename($thumb_file);
function UnsharpMask($img, $amount, $radius, $threshold) {
출처 : http://vikjavev.no/computing/ump.php
- In version 2.1 (February 26 2007) Tom Bishop has done some important speed enhancements.
- From version 2 (July 17 2006) the script uses the imageconvolution function in PHP
version >= 5.1, which improves the performance considerably.
Unsharp masking is a traditional darkroom technique that has proven very suitable for
digital imaging. The principle of unsharp masking is to create a blurred copy of the image
and compare it to the underlying original. The difference in colour values
between the two images is greatest for the pixels near sharp edges. When this
difference is subtracted from the original image, the edges will be
The Amount parameter simply says how much of the effect you want. 100 is 'normal'.
Radius is the radius of the blurring circle of the mask. 'Threshold' is the least
difference in colour values that is allowed between the original and the mask. In practice
this means that low-contrast areas of the picture are left unrendered whereas edges
are treated normally. This is good for pictures of e.g. skin or blue skies.
Any suggenstions for improvement of the algorithm, expecially regarding the speed
and the roundoff errors in the Gaussian blur process, are welcome.
//// Unsharp Mask for PHP - version 2.1.1
//// Unsharp mask algorithm by Torstein Hønsi 2003-07.
//// thoensi_at_netcom_dot_no.
//// Please leave this notice.
// $img is an image that is already created within php using
// imgcreatetruecolor. No url! $img must be a truecolor image.
// Attempt to calibrate the parameters to Photoshop:
if ($amount > 500) $amount = 500;
$amount = $amount * 0.016;
if ($radius > 50) $radius = 50;
$radius = $radius * 2;
if ($threshold > 255) $threshold = 255;
$radius = abs(round($radius)); // Only integers make sense.
if ($radius == 0) {
return $img; imagedestroy($img); }
$w = imagesx($img); $h = imagesy($img);
$imgCanvas = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h);
$imgBlur = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h);
// Gaussian blur matrix:
// 1 2 1
// 2 4 2
// 1 2 1
if (function_exists('imageconvolution')) { // PHP >= 5.1
$matrix = array(
array( 1, 2, 1 ),
array( 2, 4, 2 ),
array( 1, 2, 1 )
$divisor = array_sum(array_map('array_sum', $matrix));
$offset = 0;
imagecopy ($imgBlur, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $w, $h);
imageconvolution($imgBlur, $matrix, $divisor, $offset);
else {
// Move copies of the image around one pixel at the time and merge them with weight
// according to the matrix. The same matrix is simply repeated for higher radii.
for ($i = 0; $i < $radius; $i++) {
imagecopy ($imgBlur, $img, 0, 0, 1, 0, $w - 1, $h); // left
imagecopymerge ($imgBlur, $img, 1, 0, 0, 0, $w, $h, 50); // right
imagecopymerge ($imgBlur, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $w, $h, 50); // center
imagecopy ($imgCanvas, $imgBlur, 0, 0, 0, 0, $w, $h);
imagecopymerge ($imgBlur, $imgCanvas, 0, 0, 0, 1, $w, $h - 1, 33.33333 ); // up
imagecopymerge ($imgBlur, $imgCanvas, 0, 1, 0, 0, $w, $h, 25); // down
// Calculate the difference between the blurred pixels and the original
// and set the pixels
for ($x = 0; $x < $w-1; $x++) { // each row
for ($y = 0; $y < $h; $y++) { // each pixel
$rgbOrig = ImageColorAt($img, $x, $y);
$rOrig = (($rgbOrig >> 16) & 0xFF);
$gOrig = (($rgbOrig >> 8) & 0xFF);
$bOrig = ($rgbOrig & 0xFF);
$rgbBlur = ImageColorAt($imgBlur, $x, $y);
$rBlur = (($rgbBlur >> 16) & 0xFF);
$gBlur = (($rgbBlur >> 8) & 0xFF);
$bBlur = ($rgbBlur & 0xFF);
// When the masked pixels differ less from the original
// than the threshold specifies, they are set to their original value.
$rNew = (abs($rOrig - $rBlur) >= $threshold)
? max(0, min(255, ($amount * ($rOrig - $rBlur)) + $rOrig))
: $rOrig;
$gNew = (abs($gOrig - $gBlur) >= $threshold)
? max(0, min(255, ($amount * ($gOrig - $gBlur)) + $gOrig))
: $gOrig;
$bNew = (abs($bOrig - $bBlur) >= $threshold)
? max(0, min(255, ($amount * ($bOrig - $bBlur)) + $bOrig))
: $bOrig;
if (($rOrig != $rNew) || ($gOrig != $gNew) || ($bOrig != $bNew)) {
$pixCol = ImageColorAllocate($img, $rNew, $gNew, $bNew);
ImageSetPixel($img, $x, $y, $pixCol);
for ($x = 0; $x < $w; $x++) { // each row
for ($y = 0; $y < $h; $y++) { // each pixel
$rgbOrig = ImageColorAt($img, $x, $y);
$rOrig = (($rgbOrig >> 16) & 0xFF);
$gOrig = (($rgbOrig >> 8) & 0xFF);
$bOrig = ($rgbOrig & 0xFF);
$rgbBlur = ImageColorAt($imgBlur, $x, $y);
$rBlur = (($rgbBlur >> 16) & 0xFF);
$gBlur = (($rgbBlur >> 8) & 0xFF);
$bBlur = ($rgbBlur & 0xFF);
$rNew = ($amount * ($rOrig - $rBlur)) + $rOrig;
$gNew = ($amount * ($gOrig - $gBlur)) + $gOrig;
$bNew = ($amount * ($bOrig - $bBlur)) + $bOrig;
$rgbNew = ($rNew << 16) + ($gNew <<8) + $bNew;
ImageSetPixel($img, $x, $y, $rgbNew);
return true;
// 움직이는 webp 파일인지 검사한다.
function is_animated_webp($filename) {
$contents = file_get_contents($filename);
$where = strpos($contents, "ANMF");
if ($where !== false){
// animated
$is_animated = true;
// non animated
$is_animated = false;
return $is_animated;
function is_animated_gif($filename) {
static $cache = array();
$key = md5($filename);
if( isset($cache[$key]) ){
return $cache[$key];
if(!($fh = @fopen($filename, 'rb'))){
$cache[$key] = false;
답변 2
$thumb = get_list_thumbnail($bo_table, $row['wr_id'], $thumb_width, $thumb_height, false, true);
==>마지막 파라메터 false로, 관리자 페이지에서 <썸네일파일 일괄삭제>실행
$thumb = get_list_thumbnail($bo_table, $row['wr_id'], $thumb_width, $thumb_height, false, false);
latest.skin.php 파일 상단에
$thumb_width = 값;
$thumb_height = 값;
이렇게 되어있을건데, 애초에 게시글 등록할 때 이미지의 크기가 다 제각각이라면 저 수치들을 최신글에 띄울 영역의 width, height 값으로 변경해줘야할 것 같아요
이미지 크기가 고정값이 아닌 제각각의 이미지라면 잘리는건 감안하셔야할 것 같구요
제각각의 비율은 유지한채로 리사이징만 시키려면... 따로 개발을 해야하지않을까 싶습니다